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低碳動能開發股份有限公司英文名稱為Reduce Cabon Energy 簡稱RCE亦可稱為Rescue Critical Earth (拯救垂死的地球) 顧名思義是以環保減碳為宗旨的公司。 環保節能已是大趨勢,尤其在綠能源部份更是未來十年產業發展主軸,電池更是其中最重要的要件,誰能掌握關鍵核心技術就是贏家,以目前而言磷酸鋰鐵 低碳動能獲得全球第一的磷酸鋰鐵電池(LiFePO4 Battery)開發製造商,美國A123電池公司(A123Systems)的電池產品使用權。磷酸鋰鐵電池具備高能量密度,安全穩定的運作特性,因此低碳動能藉此開發高性能的磷酸鋰鐵電池,應用在汽機車的啟動電池上。 利用8~80顆奈米磷酸鋰鐵電池(Nano LiFePO4 Battery)所開發出的電池模組,重量輕、體積小、效率高,比傳統車用鉛酸電池更安定,使用壽命更長,最重要的是,它是唯一通過RoHS及UN38.3認證的環保電池,不僅性能優越,更符合環保要求,是真正兼顧實際效用與節能減碳的創新產品。
各式鹼性、鎳氫、鋰離子、鋰聚合物、鋰鐵電池組裝、代工、銷售 電動工具、航模、生存遊戲電鎗等動力電池銷售 佛山實達Shida 電池台灣經銷 東莞偉博VB Power電池台灣總經銷 龍華格瑞普Grepow電池台灣經銷 松崗偉之冠Enrichpower、Eastpower電池台灣經銷 順德精進能源AEnergy電池台灣經銷 佛山精銳iP Battery電池台灣經銷 Linear AC Adaptors、 Switching Mode AC/DC Adaptors Battery Chargers銷售 各式電子零件、材料、設備銷售……等
Endrich, Sales Representative Taiwan of A123Systems in USA. (NASDAQ:AONE) We are one of the world’s leading suppliers of high-power lithium ion batteries. Main business are Nano LiFePO4 battery cell and its related applications. Please visit our website for more detail. Endrich: www.endrich.com.tw Also you can have more information about our Headquarter: A123Systems: www.a123systems.com Now a Canda brand, Delta-Q smart charger series are available. Universal input,High Frequency,High PFC,...complete and more informations please visit our website www.endrich.com.tw
本公司於99年加盟菁山科技,而菁山科技成立於民國90年6月,同年8月創設Mr.Battery電池先生的自有品牌,積極整合、研發高品質國內外各類型NB、DSC、DV等電池,並架設全亞洲第一個專業電池網站『Mr.Battery.com』提供完整線上電池資訊查詢、販售,致力創造以台灣為立足點的全球電池銷售網絡。 本公司於100年7月另成立一設計事業部,以企業識別與媒體呈現為主要業務,歡迎設計新血加入我們的行列。
Skypower is an ideal partner for the development of the power battery pack for any portable device. With many years of custom database development experience, we bring a tested development methodology, domain experience, and strong battery pack design expertise. We are experts in the Lithium ion battery pack, having successfully deployed over thirty SQL implementations in the past year alone. * A tested system development methodology – Skypower’s engineering team has been developing custom battery pack for many years. We work to understand the business goals and success metrics for the project in addition to specific technical and functional requirements. By implementing a stringent requirements gathering phase, we ensure that battery design, creative development, implementation, testing, and deployment all prioritize the business goals of the project, ensuring success at every phase. * Experience developing document management systems – Skypower offers deep experience developing document extranets and user functionality similar to that required by customers. We will leverage our experience to customer’s project to provide a level of understanding and experience unmatched by other vendors. Generally, the lead-time and flow chart for design of a product to the finally assembly about non-serial/parallel battery packs are as described as follows. For special design and project, we are able to make proper proposal and arrangement accordingly.
In the battery industry, KOYO BATTERY CO., LTD, is one of leading professional manufacture/exporter of lead-acid battery with 35 years more experience in Taiwan and always adheres and follows to the business philosophy “Leading Technology Supreme Quality” and been being engaged in product R D. The developed battery category and specification is considerably completed, applied to motorcycle batteries, rechargeable sealed lead-acid battery and automotive batteries; selling our products throughout the worldwide under our created brand, KOYO, and gaining great appreciation and reputation from customers. We employs advanced equipment and boosts computerized management besides the diversified products and internationalized quality assuring products quality standard, also have been certified by ISO-9001 for quality approval and following our quality polices “ CUSTOMER FIRST QUALITY ASSURRANCE “ to satisfy our customers. It believes in our around-the-world experience and high quality products the best quality, service and price must can be satisfied.
協欣電子工業股份有限公司創立於民國 75 年(1986),主要從事CCFL Inverter、Switching Power Supply 、Battery Charger 和Power Inverter等產品的研發、設計、及製造。 目前在全球皆已建立綿密可靠的行銷網路;尤其在歐洲市場我們的產品享有極高的評價,並曾榮獲入選英國”MOTOR BOATS MONTHLY”雜誌2002年”BEST BUY”的殊榮。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『創新 前瞻 質量 服務』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,更積極拓展海外營運據點的設立,以期更接近市場,更貼切了解市場的需求,以利本公司R&D團隊研發、設計符合市場需求的產品與提供乾淨,安全的綠色能源。 我們重視每一位員工的職場生涯規劃,除了提供良好的工作環境外,我們也提供全面性的學習的空間及適當的升遷管道,歡迎優秀的青年才俊一起加入協欣電子的工作行列。 About Cotek: Since our inception in 1986, Cotek Electronic Ind. Co., Ltd main corporate objective has been to continue our consistent beliefs in the uncompromising quality in our products, technical expertise, and customer service. We have established ourselves as the premier source in worldwide markets for CCFL inverters, Switching power supplies, DC/AC Pure sine wave inverters...etc. 協欣電子正在擴大商業版圖, 積極召募優秀人才 -- 歡迎有志青年加入我們的行列,與我們共創您的新事業。
本公司營業項目為機車、汽車、電動車、遊覽車、漁船、重型機具及NP電池相關產品販售。 以創新的思維,代客安裝及到府服務不加價的經營模式,有異於一般傳統電池行,並陸續於台南縣市設立多間分店。 專業:無其他副業,專營電瓶銷售。 賣場:整齊、清潔、寬敞、明亮。後甲旗艦店更佔地百坪 服務:代客安裝及到府服務不加價,車輛電瓶故障提供救援服務, 並設0800-222-088專線 客群:引進國內外知名大廠電池,產品齊全,重視各族群需求,從三歲到一百歲皆適用 範圍:十一家分店分佈台南縣市,一通電話即可到府服務 訓練:每週固定時間教育訓練,強化門市人員專業知識 人員:服務親切,電瓶相關問題皆能提供您最佳的解答 時間:早上八點至晚上九點半,提供長時間優質服務 檢測:使用專業儀器,可檢測電瓶壽命,並提供建議 知識:提供專業知識,讓您保養電瓶更能輕鬆容易 未來將秉持誠信.專業.親切.創新的經營理念,持續追求進步,深耕台灣,放眼全世界。
公司簡介: 太康精密(股)公司,是由上市公司信邦電子與緯創集團等股東共同集資籌設而成,主要生產筆記型電腦之各式機構零件。 T-CONN was founded in 2002 in Taiwan as a professional designer and distributor of electronic components field. We believe that employees, customers and partners are our most valuable assets. We adhere to honesty and inte grity in our business and to our employees. We share profits with our employees, customers and partners. We dedicate ourselves to the continuous innovation that drives our product development. We embrace a vision for globalization. 主要商品 / 服務項目: NB Connector (Sata,Battery,RJ45,HDMI,USB,DDR SODIMM,Mini PCIE) Solar Products (J-BOX、Connector、Micro Inverter、Optimizer)
Ever Power成立於2002年,為一間電池組裝的專業製造廠家 本公司是一家專業生產電池模組織電子廠,主要產品為筆記型電腦鋰離子、鋰聚合物、鎳氫智慧型電池組、Mobil手機電池之研發、PDA Phone、UMPC、Smart Phone battery PACK製造及銷售,主要客源有國內外NB及ODM系統廠及手持式裝置系統廠,同時積極進行電動車等,高功率之磷酸鋰鐵電池模組研發與製造。
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